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Taximan fa i go bring me to Parbo
I man want to go there, abun
Night time inna town, beats from the street
I’m not here to gamble
No misunderstanding, just to feel this spirit

Get ready to move
Show me your groove
All night dance
Feels like I man inna trance
Your voice on Reggae sista
Makes me trippin’ on a rainbow
Now you should to levitate away
Now you have to levitate away

No weapon, No bomb
Mister Policeman
I’m a peaceful warrior in your town
Nattydreads will always respect you
If you don’t forget to respect them

Get ready to move
Show me your groove
All night dance
Feels like I man inna trance
Your voice on Reggae sista
Makes me trippin’ on a rainbow
Now you should to levitate away
Now you have to levitate away